Thursday, 26 January 2012

Tonight I lost a friend

Tonight I learned of the death of a dear friend
found dead, alone in her flat
I hadn't seen her for nearly 20 years
but we had remained in contact by telephone.
She was always there to solve any horsey delimmas I might have had
with wise words based on a lifetimes experience of horses.
Tonight I lost a friend,
the world lost another soul,
a great horsewoman
and champion to the equine race.


A Treasured Past said...

So sorry for your loss. Our thoughts are with you, your family and friends at this difficult time.
Tamara x

Unknown said...

That's a really beautiful way to say goodbye. Hugs X

Gigibird said...

I am very sorry to hear a friend has died.
I know this may sound rather cliched but I think all the time you think about them and remember them something of them remains - if that makes sense?