Thursday, 30 August 2012

What is equine business marketing?

Very simple answer: equine business marketing is whatever you do that makes people want to buy your goods or services

or far more complicated answer:

 The mangement process by which goods and sevices move from concept to the customer comprising of identification and selection of product, determination of price, selection of distribution channel and development of a promotional strategy.

No wonder some people think marketing is hard!

If you talk to people about your business, the goods or services that you have to offer you are marketing.
If you have a website or blog you are marketing.
If you hand out a business card you are marketing.
If you anwer a phone or email enquiry you are marketing.

Marketing doesn't have to be complicated, it doesn't have to cost a fortune and it doesn't have to be scary. Over the coming months I'll be posting lots of marketing tips so do follow this blog to be sure to find them.

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